I would like draw your attention to this video summarising a course that took place in Milan about the gut-brain connection and recent scientific developments which confirm that the gut microbiota has a primary role on anxiety, stress and sleep disorders.
At the beginning of the video, Dr. Paola Rossi of the University of Pavia gives a clear explanation in Italian of how the mind and the gut interact.
Following that, Dr. Ted Dinan psychiatrist and researcher from Cork, Ireland, one of the founders of psychobiotics and co-author of Psychobiotic Revolution, explains in English how the use of psychobiotics in patients who suffer from depression, increases the effectiveness of treatments.
Finally, I mention the intervention of Dr. Francesca Molina, psychoanalyst, who at minute 4 tells in Italian about her clinical experience with patients, in which she used probiotic supplements with the aim of decreasing, until eliminating, the use of anxiolytics.